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1 cinnamon bread loaf


4 oz cream cheese


1 cup blueberries


1/2 brown sugar


1/2 cup butter


2 tbsp corn syrup


6-8 eggs (depending on the size)


2 cups heavy cream


2 tsp cinnamon

All you need is an oven and a 9x13 greased pan.


1.Cube cinnamon bread loaf and crumble into greased 9x13 pan.


2. Cube the cream cheese. Crumble the blueberries and cream cheese evenly over the bread.


3. In a sauce pan over medium heat, melt the sugar, butter and corn syrup. Once sugar is melted, pour over the bread/cream cheese/blueberries.


4. In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs, heavy cream and cinnamon. Pour over the ingredients in the pan.


5. Cover and store in the refrigerator over night.


6. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 35 to 45 minutes or until browned and set.

(if the casserole isn't entirely saturate, add more cream or whisked eggs)


7. Serve with your favourite syrup.

(I whip mine up from scratch, boiling butter, water, brown sugar and vanilla)


Yields a nice amount for 6 people.

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